"Improvised Theatre & Geek Themed Events"
Connect with Us.
Phone: 808.224.7585
Mon - Fri: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m Hawaii Time

On the Spot Improv is dedicated to creating great theatrical shows. Some are completely improvised narratives with the illusion of scripted plays and and others are original plays written and influenced by improv. Either way On The Spot is nationally recognized as a legitimate theatrical company with strong actors / improvisers, great costume designs, and brilliant stories told on stage. Click the images for a full detail of each shows. (Some Image links are still under construction. )

Improvised Instant theatre & absurd Theatre 2012

Improvised French Farse 2011

Improvised 1930's Screwball Comedy 2011
Improvised Wes Anderson Movie 2011
Improvised Tennessee Williams 2010

Improvised Alfred Hitchcock 2010
Improvised Penny Dreadful 2010

Improvised Silent Movie 2009
Improvised Shakespeare 2008